Don't forget, I'm running some contests during my blog tour! You could win an eBook copy of The Experiment, a signed copy of The Experiment paperback or the audio book version! I'm also giving away two gift cards.
Thursday I was at MA Church's blog talking about whether or not Adverse Effects is really sci-fi. Comment there, if you haven't already, to get more entries!
Saturday I'm visiting AR Von's blog to talk about what I learned from publishing Adverse Effects. Make sure you stop by and enter my contest there for more entries, too!
**SATURDAY 3/28 from 12-2 PM, Pacific Time, I'll be taking over DSP's Facebook Page!**
Are you a follower? If not, like and follow HERE
**TUESDAY 3/31 from 6-8 PM, Pacific Time, I'll be taking over DSP's Twitter Feed**
Are you a follower? If not, follow HERE
Come hang out with me to enter my contests and win special prizes just for those chats!!
Sounds good.